
Scientific divers must apply for authorization to dive with the Smithsonian Institution (SI).  

To apply for authorization:

  1. Assure your diving experience meets SI MINIMUM STANDARDS.
  2. CONTACT the SI Unit Diving Officer (UDO) at the sponsoring SI Unit. If you do not have an SI sponsor, contact the SI-UDO at the location you intend to dive.
  3. Submit your Diver Application.  Your SI-UDO will send you the link to this application. The authorization process may take time so plan ahead and apply early.
  4. Complete steps to authorization per your SI AFFILIATION.  If you are unsure of your affiliation CLICK HERE.
  5. If you are the lead diver, submit your Dive Plan 6 weeks in advance of your first planned dives.  Your SI Sponsor or SI-UDO will guide you through this process.