SI-Scientific Diver

General: This category is intended for all those who are associated with the Smithsonian through employment, academic appointment, contract, or as a Volunteer and wish to conduct dives in support of Smithsonian research.

Eligibility: Smithsonian personnel (including but not limited to: Volunteers, Fellows, Interns, Contractors, as well as Employees) who require the use of scuba for Smithsonian research activities and are NOT affiliated with another organization for this research.

Minimum Qualifications:

  • A minimum of 25 open water dives
  • Scientific Diving certification
  • SDP swim test completion
  • SDP check-out dive
  • SDP written exam

Limitations: Divers must abide by the limitations outlined in the SI-SCIENTIFIC DIVING SAFETY MANUAL.  Initial Depth Limitations will be set to 30 fsw.

If you have not yet completed a Scientific Diving Course, you may qualify to dive as a DIVER-IN-TRAINING until completion of the course.  

 Steps to Authorization:

  1. Receive Supervisor or Sponsor approval
  2. Ensure diving is included in your performance plan (Employees only)
  3. Contact your Smithsonian Unit Diving Officer (UDO), see CONTACT for UDO information
  4. Create a DecoStop account (UDO will provide access)
  5. Complete Smithsonian Diver requirements (see list on the left)
  6. Submit SI dive plan (Lead Diver only)
  7. You will be notified of your Dive Plan Authorization via DecoStop email from the SI Scientific Diving Officer