General: This category is intended for all those who are associated with the Smithsonian through employment, academic appointment, contract, or as a Volunteer and wish to conduct dives in support of Smithsonian research.
Eligibility: Smithsonian personnel (including but not limited to: Volunteers, Fellows, Interns, Contractors, as well as Employees) who require the use of scuba for Smithsonian research activities and are NOT affiliated with another organization for this research.
Minimum Qualifications:
- A minimum of 25 open water dives
- Scientific Diving certification
- SDP swim test completion
- SDP check-out dive
- SDP written exam
Limitations: Divers must abide by the limitations outlined in the SI-SCIENTIFIC DIVING SAFETY MANUAL. Initial Depth Limitations will be set to 30 fsw.
If you have not yet completed a Scientific Diving Course, you may qualify to dive as a DIVER-IN-TRAINING until completion of the course.